So with a month off, there's been lots of time in the studio. It's been AMAZING. For far too long, I’ve balanced a full-time career in technology with my art, often relegating my creative pursuits and contributions to the art community to “as time permits.” I cannot wait to flip this paradigm so that I can finally pursue my life's passion. I'm looking forward to less stress and less responsibility. Please don't misinterpret - I have no regrets. My career in technology has been good to me. It has afforded me a very fortunate life but now it's time for less stress, and more art.
I have lost some friends/colleagues in the past couple of years who were FAR too young and it has been a point of reflection for me. This life... it's not promised. As you age, it's no longer about the money... it becomes about the time. Time you'll never get back. Time that is precious. Time that is yours.