<![CDATA[A FOUND OBJECT - THE SCULPTURES OF ANNE PINKOWSKI - Ramblings]]>Thu, 02 Jan 2025 17:08:53 -0800Weebly<![CDATA[Orbs, Hearts, and other Exciting Studio Happenings]]>Mon, 30 Dec 2024 20:25:22 GMThttp://afoundobject.com/ramblings/orbs-hearts-and-other-exciting-studio-happeningsPictureReassembled, 16"x10"x4" Mosaic on Concrete, January 2025

​So with a month off, there's been lots of time in the studio.  It's been AMAZING. For far too long, I’ve balanced a full-time career in technology with my art, often relegating my creative pursuits and contributions to the art community to “as time permits.” I cannot wait to flip this paradigm so that I can finally pursue my life's passion. I'm looking forward to the day when I can kiss the anxiety presented by the pressures from work goodbye.  Tech has been good to me.  My career has afforded me a very fortunate life but it has come at a cost. 

I have lost some friends/colleagues in the past couple of years who were FAR too young and it has been a point of reflection for me.  This life... it's not promised. As you age, it's no longer about the money... it becomes about the time. Time you'll never get back. Time that is precious. 

<![CDATA[Cynthia Herron awards Notes in Neon 'Best Use of Unconventional Materials' in Something Red Show]]>Tue, 10 Dec 2024 18:18:56 GMThttp://afoundobject.com/ramblings/cynthia-herron-awards-notes-in-neon-for-best-use-of-unconventional-materials-in-something-red-show
Cynthia Herron awards "Notes in Neon" 'Best Use of Unconventional Materials' in Something Red Show
Watch what she has to say about the piece in the below YouTube video
(17:41) Transcript
"The award for Best Use of Unconventional Materials hands down goes to Anne Pinkowski for "Notes in Neon" which is this work on
top here. She has two other works that are equally intriguing and created with found objects as this one is. It's found
objects with neon but this one again blew me away because of the compositional structure intersects with her concept,  intersects with the handling of the materials and the strength of the the message just comes out - and that would be open to anybody's own personal interpretation.  I love the use the combination of the the line and the neon and the piano keys and wondering where it all came from and just having it be so intriguing. So congratulations to Anne for her unconventional use of materials."
<![CDATA[Elsinore Gallery Selects Three Sculptures for "Something Red" Exhibition]]>Wed, 27 Nov 2024 21:56:45 GMThttp://afoundobject.com/ramblings/elsinore-gallery-selects-three-sculptures-for-something-red-exhibition

Celebrate the 22nd Annual “Something Red” Exhibit during December

Something Red is Artists in Action’s crown jewel event, now in its 22nd year! Artists have been
invited to create compelling art that center around the color Red as a focal point or primary color in
the composition. This event is a perennial favorite of our local art community. The call for art is
open to all Oregon artists and is presented by Artists in Action and Elsinore Framing & Fine Art Gallery.

Awards are given in these categories and the judge this year is Salem artist Cynthia Herron.
Best of Show; Best Use of Color Red; Best Original Concept; Best Use of Unconventional Materials; Best
Botanical; Therese Misner Sponsor Award; Elsinore Gallery Award; Honorable Mention; People's
Choice. When you visit the show, be sure you vote for your favorite piece!

Elsinore  Fine Art Gallery, 444 Ferry St SE, Salem, OR
Opening Art Reception on Friday, December 6th from 5:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Awards ceremony at 6:00 p.m.
Exhibit runs Dec. 6 - 31, 2024
<![CDATA[Glass Ceiling is on display at Lunaria!]]>Thu, 03 Oct 2024 18:33:14 GMThttp://afoundobject.com/ramblings/glass-ceiling-is-on-display-at-lunaria
As a woman who has spent the majority of her career working in a male dominated field, the glass ceiling is real.  I’ve encountered challenges in my career due to systemic barriers that often affect underrepresented groups in the tech industry. 

The glass sphere in this sculpture symbolizes the "glass ceiling" in various metaphorical ways. The female figure inside the sphere, with her poised and graceful stance, signifies all women striving to break through these invisible boundaries, reaching upward with the world in her hands. The delicate nature of the glass sphere could be a nod to the fragility of those boundaries—implying they can be shattered with the right force, perseverance, or change in perception.
<![CDATA[Guess Who is the Newest Member of the Lunaria Gallery?]]>Thu, 15 Feb 2024 19:51:24 GMThttp://afoundobject.com/ramblings/guess-who-is-the-newest-member-of-the-lunaria-gallery

​I am THRILLED to announce that I am the newest member of the Lunaria Gallery! Located in Silverton, Oregon, the gallery showcases the work of contemporary local artists from the region. It is truly an incredible honor to exhibit and sell my work among such a talented group.

<![CDATA[Mosaic Completed]]>Sat, 15 Jul 2023 07:00:00 GMThttp://afoundobject.com/ramblings/mosaic-completed
Started in California and completed in Oregon, this sculpture was a study in full coverage mosaic.  I am absolutely thrilled with how this has turned out.  I will be looking to update my website with a landing page for both my gallery work and my public art.  Watch for that and more sculptures to complete and make it to the web soon!
<![CDATA[Back in the Studio]]>Thu, 16 Feb 2023 00:20:45 GMThttp://afoundobject.com/ramblings/back-in-the-studioPicture

I'm already in the studio and continuing my work on the large mosaic sculpture that I started on before my move.  What's hysterical was the look on the movers face moving this big ol' half covered, half armature concrete THING.  I've been working in my studio and had the lovely company of some of my new friends. One of them is my neighbor Marg who was inspired to create her own concrete mosaic sculpture - which is very ambitious! It's almost 4 feet tall!  I love to see her dig in and master this craft and it's been fantastic sharing my passion with her.  And... on a cold and rainy day it's great to have a studio to go to to make your own little sunshine happen. 

<![CDATA[Silverton Arts Association - Director of Programming]]>Tue, 31 Jan 2023 08:00:00 GMThttp://afoundobject.com/ramblings/silverton-arts-association-director-of-programmingPicture
Guess who is now the Programming Director for the local arts association.  Yup. I'm jumping right in and trying to help make something happen in Silverton.  The Arts Association is centrally located in the Coolidge McClaine Park​. COVID disrupted a good thing and it's time to squash COVID and make things happen again. 

I'd love to be teaching sculpture but the space is not really have industrial arts space but we will try and find space for that all in due time.   In the meantime... I'm busy trying to get a Spring quarter up off the ground. We have artists/teachers to meet, schedules to make, a communications plan to firm up, and classes to get posted for enrollment.  So much to do and so little time. 

<![CDATA[We've Moved!]]>Tue, 11 Oct 2022 07:00:00 GMThttp://afoundobject.com/ramblings/weve-movedPicture
We've picked it all up - our entire lives - and moved it to Silverton, Oregon! That's right and we found a perfect property to afford us the space to TIG, MIG, Plasma Cut, and all that good stuff! Anne now has a studio comparable to the space she shared with artist, Anita Wiglesworth. Dave has a nice 1500 square foot shop where he can work on motorcycles to his hearts content. The community is amazing and we are thrilled to have found our little slice of heaven. 

<![CDATA[Christian Schiess Chooses Exploding Time for Exhibition]]>Fri, 20 Aug 2021 16:05:27 GMThttp://afoundobject.com/ramblings/christian-schiess-chooses-exploding-time-for-exhibitionPicture
I've always had tremendous respect for the individuals who have grown my mind and shaped my Fine Art career: Henry Hopkins first and foremost. I will never forget that man, his friendship, and his immense belief in me and my capacity as an artist. We could talk for hours about art, the world, the community, ourselves. I miss you Henry!

George Herms really excited my mind and introduced me to found objects. He forever changed the way I look at dumpsters. He taught me how to work at scale and to not fear scale. It was because of him I learned how to weld and work with metal. 

25 years ago I started to study neon with Christian Schiess at The Crucible in Berkeley, CA.  I was thinking about using neon to illuminate my metal sculptures with it's vibrant ambient light. However, I went on to couple the neon with found objects - a practice I continue in my work today.

When a teacher of yours invites you to exhibit your work alongside his, you jump at the opportunity. I am thrilled to be  participating in this exhibition with Christian, and many of the amazing artists working with light that I've had the pleasure of collaborating with at The Crucible: Robert Graf, Norman Moore, Dan Cavin, and Kua Patten. 

Rhythmix Cultural Works
2513 Blanding Ave Alameda, CA 94501
Opening Reception: November 13th 4:30-6:30pm
​Please come to the show!
