Little did I know that the amazing and talented Dan Caven - who also works in neon and found objects happens to teach classes at the Artworks Downtown facility. When the show was hung, Dan reached out to me as he immediately recognized my work (as I would his) and let me know they looked fantastic. It was nice to meet up with him at the opening as he and I have exhibited before in the same show. Good times!
The exhibition at Artworks Downtown was absolutely fabulous! The variety of work really showcased sculpture: kinetic, ceramics, glass, neon, found objects, and metal to name a few. What an honor to have been selected for this show.
Little did I know that the amazing and talented Dan Caven - who also works in neon and found objects happens to teach classes at the Artworks Downtown facility. When the show was hung, Dan reached out to me as he immediately recognized my work (as I would his) and let me know they looked fantastic. It was nice to meet up with him at the opening as he and I have exhibited before in the same show. Good times!
About me...
I work in the IT industry by day managing a team of software developers. I very much enjoy what I do. Technology changes as quickly as it gets boring so this career is suited perfectly for me. Categories |